I hope what you say is right, but a part of me can’t help but think they aren’t doing it because they want to sell different colors of back items. However, I do understand your frustration with not knowing it couldn’t be dyed. I think lazy is an inappropriate term for this situation when someone went the extra mile. To add to this, the Shining Blade glider was designed on its own and after it was modeled one of the artists saw that it could be turned into a backpack for the players to enjoy. The engine needs to be fundamentally altered from the ground up to allow for item dye channels. As far as the engine is considered, backpacks are considered items (like weapons) and gliders are considered effects. It’s extremely hard to alter the engine so backpacks are dyeable. I just feel like I fell on a trap and lost 10 bucks. I didnt play GW1, so I had no idea the “gold and blue” was the original color of the Shining Blades, so I couldnt EVEN suspect that the backpack’s version could be stuck to one color. And I feel a kitteneated since they advertised people flying around with it in many different colors. It just feels like lazy work that they didnt have the two things match colors. Immersion is broken either way, the hell I look like wearing it only for it to change into a different color when I glide, ha ha it’s funny a little bit and I’m not bashing my computer in over it, just wish A-net could alter their current backpack/glider mindset and think more open/outside the box. You feel me? I mean I myself would be cool with it being just those colors both glider/backpack…and not buy it, but we can’t pretend that it wouldn’t be better and also fitting(Maybe not lore) if it matched the glider colors when changed or something. That would make sense if they didn’t allow you to change the glider backpack and also not promote it with people flying around with different colors. It’s blue and gold for a good reason, because it’s the Shining Blade. I don’t think it makes sense to dye this Shining Blade back piece in particular.