This regex matches email regex matches websites links ending with sites of. or represents an alphanumeric character. \d Backslash and d, matches digits 0 to 9, equivalent to or Conversely, Capital \W will match non-alphnumeric character and not underscore. \w Backslash and w, it is equivalent to, matches alphanumeric character or underscore. \n Backslash and n, represents a line break. For example, “\bwater” finds “watergun” but not “cleanwater” whereas “water\b” finds “cleanwater” but not “watergun”. \b Backslash and b, matches a word boundary. For example, the below regex treats the period as a normal character and it matches a.b only. \ Backslash, turns off the special meaning of the next character.

For example, the below regular expression matches the the characher q if the charachter after q is not a digit, it will matches the q in those strings of abdqk, quit, qeig, but not q2kd, sdkq8d. ! Exclamation, do not matches the next character or regular expression. 1 q ( 0-9) \ Backslash, turns off the special meaning of the next character. For example, the below regular expression matches col,cool,…,cooooooooooool,… Exclamation, do not matches the next character or regular expression. + Plus, matches 1 or more characters in fron of the plus. For example, the below regular expression matches cl,col,cool,cool,…,coooooooooool,… * Asterisk, matches 0 or more characters in front of the asterisk. For example, the below regular expression matches apple and apples. ? Question mark, matches 1 or 0 character in front of the question mark. For example, the below regex matches, , and. ( ) Parentheses, groups one or more regular expressions. For example, the below regex matches kam, kbm, kcm, k2m, k3m, k4m and k5m. – Hyphen, used for representing a range of letters or numbers,often used inside a square bracket. For example, the below regex matches bad, bed, bcd, brd, and bod. Square brackets, matches any single character from within the bracketed list.

For example, the below regex matches a paragraph or a line ends with bye. $ Dollar sign, matches a term if the term appears at the end of a paragraph or a line. ^ Carat inside a bracket, for example, the below regex matches any characters but a, b, c, d, e. For example, the below regex matches a paragraph or a line starts with Apple. ^ Carat, matches a term if the term appears at the beginning of a paragraph or a line. For example, the below regex matches shirt, short and any character between sh and rt. Period, matches a single character of any single character, except the end of a line.