It’s not a common design, as most just use recordings. If you like the sound of fans, but don’t want air blowing around your room, you might like a white noise machine that contains a real fan. The bottom three (Dreamegg D11, LectroFan Evo, Yogasleep Travel Mini) play different selections of white noise, fan, and nature sounds. The top two (Dohm Uno and Snooz) contain a real fan. In the photo below, you can see five of the white noise machines I tested before writing this article. Which type of white noise machine to choose? Please also note that all of the photos are my own and the exact white noise machines I’ve used myself, but the manufacturers do sometimes make changes to the design. After that, there are some comparison tables, and then longer sections about each device. Then I’ll summarise the machines I’ve found to be most effective. In this article, I’ll first explain the different types of white noise machine. Even if you don’t need to block out other noise, the sounds can be relaxing to listen to.You’ll have different sounds to choose from.The power consumption is usually very low.They can replace disruptive or intermittent noise with a constant background noise of your choosing.The main reasons to use a white noise machine are: If you’re being disturbed by noise you can’t control, there are various options for blocking it out, such as earplugs, headphones, speakers, or a white noise machine. As Marie de Rabutin-Chanta once said, “We like no noise unless we make it ourselves.” Considering she lived in the 1600s, I can’t imagine what she’d say if she visited me in New York City!